Monday, February 13, 2012

life lately

just to sum it up- 
got my ombre hair on
crafting + the notebook (sometimes i watch it multiple times a week... sorry)
bday surprises from my bff bwells 
valentine's day owls for my nieces
we were both sick for almost 2 weeks
birthday present purse
new lens! oh happy day
we started juicing everything


  1. Hooray for Ombre! You should put up your juicing recipes for that day I finally get a juicer.

  2. Hey we were just thinking about getting a juicer too! What is "Ombre" hair?

  3. Ombre would be fun for summer. --And thanks again for the care package! I tried to get a pic of the girls with their owls but they kept running away with their owls soothingly smashed to their little faces and giggling. The must not have wanted their new loves to be captured...
