Friday, September 2, 2011


These last couple week have been all about changes for us... and we love it! Bryce got a new job/ internship that he loves, started fast grad for school, quit little caesars and working at the court house. I've started some new projects lately, got a new recipe book.... ok so my 'changes' aren't as exciting, or exciting at all. BUT that's why i'm writing this- I want a new change! So for right now i'm deciding if I should keep my hair long or get bangs again. Yay or Nay?

(ignore the gross face... just the hair!)


  1. i love both! do bangs and switch it up for the fall!

  2. I don't know, I think you are one of the only people who look gorgeous with a center part... I really love no bangs.

  3. Bangs for fall! Your hair grows super fast anyway, they'll be gone in no time if you tire of them. Bangs + winter hats = ideal.
