Saturday, January 29, 2011

oh please oh please oh please!

If I had a bunny this cute I would name it hopscotch and then call it cute names like hoppity and hoppers and of course cutie, baby and wittle baby bunny. Vickie and Amy, want to go see some bunnies tomorrow? I might just take one home....

Friday, January 28, 2011

the best birthday

This is going to be a good good year. 23 actually feels different, and I like it.  I LOVE my presents, friends, family, and husband- everything was perfect.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


today is my last day being 22 and all I want is to go home, see my best friend, and take a nap. maybe listen to this...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

i'll be there for you, cause you've been there for me too

Ever since I was probably too young to be watching it, FRIENDS has been my favorite show. It's funny, witty, emotional, and made me want to move to New York and work for Ralph Lauren (who doesn't love Rachel?!) Also I feel like everyone has a little bit of Chandler, Ross, Joey, Rachel, Monica, and Pheobe in them.

For example, my whole life I thought I was Rachel (everyone loves her.. ie that one episode where Monica says "come on when a guy says he's going to call you back, it doesn't ACTUALLY mean he's going to call you back, haven't you had that happen?" and Rachel says, "Well, they always called" see? she's perfect.) and I am now coming to find out I may be part Monica. Nothing wrong with that, Mon is cute, she's funny too, she can cook, and there is nothing wrong with enjoying a clean house I tell you! (ie. that episode when Ross dates that messy girl and Monica can't sleep at night thinking about her apt so she offers to go clean.) So what, maybe I have been dreaming about the day when I get a new belt for my vaccum or how I can't wait to sand and paint our kitchen table. EVERYONE needs to be part Monica!

BUT that isn't what this blog is about, well it's about friends, just not those friends. Although I did cry during the last episode ever, I mean would Monica and Chandler like living out of the city? Do Ross and Rachel get married? I would never get to see the twins grown up! It was pure torment. I did graduate high school, and move on with my life but what a milestone that last season was. Again, I digress... I'm grateful for good friends and I might not show it all the time so here are highlights on my favorite people (one of you should consider switching your name to Pheobe, please?)

DARCIE  is probably the sassiest girl I know. She is funny, quick witted, and street smart. She was so fun to live with because she would download movies and music for us like no body's bidness, such a rebel. During the summer even though we were both busy working and planning our weddings, she took me dress shopping, helped me make crafts, and kept me sane - on top of getting being her own bridezilla. Darc is always thinking of others and is the perfect example of truly being happpy for someone else.

ERIN  is a crafting goddess. Sometimes I call her my sensei because she has taught me the ways of aplique, embroidery, and kittens. Oh how I miss her so and curse Billy for dragging her to the land of oil and geology. Not only is she the sweetest and most non-judgemental person I know, she is quite hilarious and can make some berry good pancakes. She is also the creator of Margie Belle, which is still getting going but how cute is that picture of her and wally.

KC  is a life saver. She has been a friend when I needed one and oh I am so glad Shane chose her! Again KC is a great example of being busy planning her own wedding, but still helping throw me a bridal shower and being such a help on our wedding day. Her and Shane are the perfect example of straight up friends, and everyone needs some of those. She is crafty, funny, cute and always invites us over to watch Modern Family. It doesn't get better than that.

Thinking about these girls is what made today ok.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

home alone

So Bryce went skiing with his boyz and I learned my lesson last time and decided to sit this one out. So this is what my weekend consisted of...

Looking at all our pictures left on the camera. I love this picture of him. B on new years eve

Listening to this beauty. This is my favorite Christmas present ever... Bryce got me a record player!  I love listening to Nat King Cole on her and can't wait to get our Bon Iver and Mumford and Sons records

Momma here are some pictures of our apartment finally. So you're coming to visit right?

ok so be here at 7? k love ya bye!